About Us

Zalmon Fabric is a sustainable fabric provider specializing in digital fabric printing.

Zalmon Fabric was established in 2016, based on the idea of one textile expert who already produced industry-scales of textiles products. He thought it would be really cool and useful for people being able to have their own beautifully designed fabric in small quantities, without the need to order in thousands of meters.

We provide services in digital fabric printing, fabric dyeing, ready stock solid color fabric, plain white fabric and rotary printing.

We always prioritize environmentally-friendly processes starting from selecting raw materials made from 100% natural fibers, sustainable manufacturing processes with the latest technology, and waste management processes that create a closed loop cycle.
Why Us

Introduction new water solution
Many customers complain that a lot of fabrics on the market are overclaimed, saying their fabrics are organic, but turns out they are not, not to mention the quality of the fabrics which is sometimes questionable. In the end, this problem caused the customer to have a trust issue, many customers who came to Zalmon Fabric said, “Are you sure it’s organic fabric? Bet it just like all the others”.
Starting from that, we were motivated to upgrade the fabric we had. We do everything we could, from market research to finding the newest technology. Finally, we eventually succeeded in discovering a new water solution. Our new water solution successfully upgraded our fabric quality which made our fabric smoother. Meet the New EcoFabric Series by Zalmon Fabric.

No Minimum Order
Start from 1 meter, you can get organic fabric with certified quality

More Color, More Detail
Create fabric with any color you want, without limiting the number of colors, even if you choose photorealistic designs.

Complete Process
The production process includes Pre-Treatment, Coating, Printing, Steaming, Washing, and Finishing process, so you will get more premium quality fabric and feels softer than the fabric you find on the market.

We only use 10% of the total water used in screen printing for all our fabric production. We optimize water usage based on the fabric production needs and will be reused with a recycling process or commonly called a closed loop process.

Accessible for All
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